Recent content by 2BigWheels

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    Ninja e-1 is the range enough for my brother

    Though he's not entirely convinced my brother is considering the Ninja e-1.With a top speed of 55 mph (88 km/h) and a range of 41 miles (66 km) he would most likely need to charge it daily in order to make his daily commute.Is that a major deal or just a hassle?Is there anyone else in this...
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    Ninja e-1 and Z e-1 Reddit rumble

    i looked into them because I'm interested in getting one.Honestly it's a bit disappointing compared to gas-powered options.But you have to start somewhere, right?I'm curious to see how people will modify and improve these in the future.One good thing is that it has better speed control than just...
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    I've been checking out the Ninja e-1. This bike offers two riding modes: Road for regular travel and Eco for saving energy. It can reach speeds up to 55 mph making it a good choice for daily commutes. The starting price is $7,899
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    Ninja e-1 and Z e-1 range and speed seem low is that right

    I haven't made up my mind yet. I plan to wait a bit longer to see if either one turns out to be a good choice in the end.
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    What mod could you add on the e-1?

    I'm not really pleased with how far or fast it goes. However, I don't believe any major modifications can be or were made to these right now
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    Ninja e-1 and Z e-1 range and speed seem low is that right

    I’ve been eyeing the Ninja e-1 and Z e-1 electric bikes as an intercity commuter but I was a bit disappointed when I checked the specs. Max speed is 55 mph or 65 mph with e-boost whatever that is and the range is only 41 miles without e-boost. Feels a little underwhelming for what I was hoping for
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    Are electric bikes environmentally friendly?

    electric bikes are typically more eco friendly compared to traditional gas powered bikes because they don't emit any pollutants during use.. The lower speed doesn’t really impact their eco friendliness
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    Ninja E1 electric bike quick enough or too slow

    I reserved one when they were first announced and was told it would arrive in December. Now it’s March and I’m still waiting

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